USB Safely Remove v7.0.5.1320 Full Version

USB Safely Remove merupakan sebuah software pemutus USB baik itu Flashdisk, segala macam yang berhubungan dengan USB. Perangkat USB telah menjadi bagian integral dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari, memungkinkan kita mentransfer dan menyimpan data dengan mudah. Namun, memutuskan sambungan perangkat secara tiba-tiba tanpa mengeluarkannya dengan benar dapat menyebabkan kerusakan data atau bahkan kerusakan fisik. Untuk menghindari masalah seperti itu, sangat penting untuk menggunakan alat perangkat lunak yang handal yang disebut USB Safely Remove
Features of USB Safely Remove Full
USB Safely Remove offers several key features that make it an essential tool for anyone regularly using USB devices:
  • Device stopping :
  • USB Safely Remove allows you to stop devices individually or all at once, providing a convenient way to manage multiple USB connections effortlessly.
  • Program auto-run control:
  • With It, you can control which programs should be automatically launched when a specific USB device is connected, streamlining your workflow.
  • Powerful device menu :
  • The software provides a customizable device menu that gives you quick access to various device management options, such as renaming, changing icons, or viewing device properties.
  • Keyboard shortcuts :
  • It allows you to assign keyboard shortcuts for stopping or removing USB devices, enabling faster and more efficient operations.
  • Process viewer and forced stop :
  • In situations where a USB device cannot be stopped conventionally, USB Safely Remove offers a process viewer that helps identify the process responsible for the device, allowing you to forcefully stop it if necessary.
    # Download | USB Safely Remove v7.0.5.1320 Full Version #

    File Size : 5.4 MB | 1 Link | Password :
